The other illustration for Thiel's class. Watercolor and gouache. Sometimes when I have too much time to finish something I tighten up, as this seems to be the case. Still had fun though.
Everyone seems to be a little off kilter this week. I figured it was a full moon or somesuch, but it's actually a new moon, (so surely it's some reverse werewolf thing) either way, sleep always seems to help. So adieu.
You did a great job on this. Thiel should be happy. You have an amazing style.
love the concept and excecution. I also like the expression on her face. Hey by the way do you still work at the library?? If so could you say hi to Darleen for me, and if you see Sean, tell him I miss our sunday morning talks. Thanks I would greatly appreciate it!!!!! Keep on rocking your senior year!
nice execution! i'm a junior here at ringling, just perusing through some blogs and came across yours. your styles are veeeery appealing - i could learn a thing or two from you about 'cute.' keep up the good work - i'll be watching your blog, and looking forward to your thesis!
I'D stalk you. Just sayin'.
nice piece Erin!!
I like this a lot. Why does she look wistful?..just wondering if there is a story behind her expression.
M. M.
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