
Sickness didn't slow me down too much. Going in soon for more chest x-rays. I pretty much coughed and slept through all of the month of May. But, aside from reading a ton of Hellboy and renting a ton of movies, I spent my time in quarantine doing a few watercolors and photoshop stuffs.

ink & water color

party dresses
watercolor. Kind of overworked this one, but I like the faces okay. the rest... ehhh, I should be using reference.

and a work in progress-

photoshop. The figure is still pretty unrendered, and a lot of things I want to tighten up, but it's been fun to force myself to deal with an environment and different lighting situations.

I think Ringling painting classes depend way too much on studio lighting, which, combined with Floridian models who have pretty orange-y tan skin anyway, we kind of end up with ugly orange-burnt sienna flesh tones that don't really occur outside the studio. Maybe that's why so many of us are drawn to Richard Schmid, Sargeant, etc etc who really use cool north light to great effect.

My attitude about this summer has changed a lot. I really need to relax and do some artwork for fun, before that stops being an option. I look forward to seeing what everyone in the academy is working on.


Trish Tatman said...

I've found only doing artwork when I feel like it helps a lot. Otherwise it is just forced and... bad. I've been working on posters a lot just for that reason. Everything else is turning out bad.

Ben Zweifel said...

Nice work Erin, I love the waist down one especially. As far as environment goes, what helps me the most is integration, if your point of interest (figure whatever) isnt perfectly integrated then it falls apart, catch that bit and the rest pulls itself together. Nice to see some new work. :) Also trish and I bought a sketchbook, so we are going to do some stuff in that and send it to you sometime in the next couple weeks. Enjoy precollege.

Andrew Olson said...

I really like the skirt one. You handle pattern really nicely, I could see you using it in a lot more pieces.