"But I do wonder if a down-easter, sitting on a nylon-and-aluminum chair out on a changelessly green lawn slapping mosquitoes in the evening of a Florida October-- I do wonder if the stab of memory doesn't strike him high in the stomach just below the ribs where it hurts. And in the humid ever-summer I dare his picturing mind not to go back to the shout of color, to the clean rasp of frosty air, to the smell of pine wood burning and the caressing warmth of kitchens. For how can one know color in perpetual green, and what good is warmth without cold to give it sweetness?"


Anonymous said...

A quote from?

Erin McGuire said...

Travels with Charley, by John Steinbeck. His commentary on life in Florida

Dustin d'Arnault said...

man i am seriously loving the water colors. totally keep it up !!!!!!!!!!!