Also posted on Girls who Draw.
Precollege finished up a week ago, all in all being Head TA was a really good experience, I feel like I learned more about teaching and class control and all of that stuff. I organized a little mini demo week, doing some watercolor demos for the kids, having Jane do an oil painting demo, and Miguel do a digital painting demo. All were well attended and well received. It's cool to be around kids who are really still excited about coming to Ringling. I think by your senior year we get a bit jaded, and you start taking things for granted. Precollege always serves as a humbling experience, and reminds me to stay passionate about what I'm doing. Because if I don't, there's a whole generation of young artists who would be happy to surpass me in a few years
I also changed my blog, I wanted something wintery to remind me that it will not always be in the upper 90's outside. :)
wow erin, this has to be one of my favorites. great job!
Aw, I really like this! The tiny birds are really cute . . . but I have to admit, it reminds me of when I had bangs that were always in my eyes. I hated it.
Gr8 work!!
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