The Adventurer |
You can never be too prepared for an adventure. Fezzes always remind me of Moonbot and Bill Joyce, who has a mighty collection. It's finally spring, which means we have that short, glorious window of weather to go outside, go camping, enjoy things a bit before it's summer.
Also, are you on Instagram? I am! You can
follow me here. I mostly use it to fill in the gaps between blog updates. It's way easier to post works-in-progress and sketches (plus the cheap thrill of a photo filter). Here's a few recent ones-
Girl of Rainbow Feathers |
Sara Sketch |
Flower Crown |
Sleeping Loki |
Bijou Sketch |
Time machine concept |
And of course, I may post the
occasional cat picture. Here's me transcending to a Level 3 cat lady.
Hello children. |
So, enjoy! Til next time, take care.