> A few random sketches, the bottom being the view off the back deck at my aunt's house.
Georgia was a definite change of pace, attitude, and scenery. It's a bit ironic, that when you live in Florida, you have to head North before you really feel like you're in the south (the ten commandments, posted at every mailbox), but nonetheless, I think it was a good vacation. I met a lot of real characters up in Georgia, from the 11 year-old who volunteered to help my mom and I pseudo-bartend the party for my aunt's studio, to the guy who makes pumpkin pie fudge, to the woman my cousins called "Crazy Cathy," who lives by herself in a 6000 sqare foot house (painted purple, no less), complete with two kitchens, 5 bathrooms, and an elevator. And while the repetition of quaint country stores got old really fast, it was something different, something not Florida.
> My aunt, sitting on rocks by the waterfall. Still needs some work, this was a quick attempt to get things down before we ventured back
On our first full day there, my aunt, cousin, mom, and I took a 5 mile hike that showed off a few of the many waterfalls around there.
> Waterfall at Raven Cliff, I had to go to great lengths to take this picture, going down a pretty steep 20 foot cliffside. My mom and aunt wisely just stayed on the trail
It was nice to see hills, mountains, tall tall trees and get a better sense of nature, even if the bugs drove me crazy. Last night I had to kill a pretty big centipede before getting to bed. So, as nice and relaxing as the country can be, I'd be happiest in a place where the bugs aren't constantly after me.
And finally, to give me a break from my break (it's frusrating when vacations stop being fun) Kyler drove over from Atlanta so we could chat and get some food. I miss having such good friends around.
Tomorrow I get my wisdom teeth out, and then I'll be kind of out of it for a few days. I plan on watching LOST and enjoying a pain-killer induced bliss.